Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Big Data Easy Start: Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR)

Amazon Web Services has a product/service that could make it easy to break into the world of Big Data in a real way. With Elastic MapReduce, any company can use their Hadoop framework and start building data-intensive tasks for applications without having to build the underlying infrastructure or tuning the Hadoop clusters. Not that tuning is impossible and products from Hortonworks make it all work easier, but you would need to build a lot of structure before you ever really see the results. This seems like a clearly easy way to pay your $90 and get full access to infrastructure and start web indexing, analyzing log files, mining data for results, traditional data warehousing, artificial intelligence through machine learning, financial analysis, biometrics research or even scientific simulation.

For many companies the start into Big Data is expensive, cumbersome and without any clearly foreseeable results. So many sit on the outside of Big Data and wait for the competition to make the first move. By then, unfortunately, catch up will be very expensive and hard to break into.

Should these projects prove themselves and result in real data that aids in decision making, then think about big vendor's tools and infrastructure. This is a great way to start.

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